Hit 'em where it hurts.
Go for the CUTE button.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


“Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”-

-The Kyballion


Eye spy with my little thigh, Mother Nature's limbs have slipped into something a little less comfortable, but a lot more spectacular: Kmossed,  in silk.
 Spider Bites DO equal Dizzy Heads and i'll be taking private orders for both  on  opening night .... and beyond :)

Spider Bite Equals Dizzy Head is Kavanavoch’s first collection of silk scarves, inspired by the duality and deceptiveness of love.
Beauty Duty, 2013, satin silk 100% 

 In these images lies a relationship. A sensory, intangible tempest in an indeterminate realm where emotions dictate an unending search for meaning, mystery and miracle. A BYO of the self, spilling over into the other; the rise, fall and ache that charts its fateful course.

‘Rose-tinted alien eyes peek out from behind twirling candy cane fleur-de-lys;

gossamer spider web plays on the boundaries like a hot-climate snowflake.

Lace on a more flesh-coloured hue, it’s the playing card pattern that plays you,

The flu­oro echoes, the lie dyes, and in the middle is the unblinking Third Eye.
Rosed off, posed off, mother nature's limbs have slipped into something a little less comfortable,
Rosed Off, 2013, satin silk 100%

And in each corner, there’s the decisive stomp of someone putting their foot down.’

The almost Celtic intertwining of limbs and self-contained can-cans scurry around in perpetual motion, and the whole damn thing is like a carnival that’s going right and wrong concurrently, blurring pleasure into pain and back again.  Oh dear.

These works draw us into the all-consuming nature of love, the shifting relationship between the object and the subject of desire. Like Rorschach butterflies, these evocative images split the nature of obsession into shards of kaleidoscopic beauty.

Bringing us closer to what is visible and to seeing, to what is seen and what sees, images that are some part of ourselves while, reciprocally, we are some part of them.

All is fair in love and war.  Ha!

Spider Bite Equals Dizzy Head is exhibited from Wednesday 5th-Sunday 23rd March 2014. Opening Reception Wednesday 5th March 6-8pm

Venue: C3 Contemporary Art Space, The Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers St. Abbotsford VIC 3067


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