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Friday, November 16, 2012

Isa Genzken

15th Nov-12th Jan

Do I look like a Slut??
#I wanna be her
Earlier this week I went to the opening of Isa Genzken. Fintan, my friend, loveeeessss her, so west we went. Its a really fun show. There's a bunch of chaotic energy, gaffa tape, Nefertiti clones in sunnies, Mona Lisa reproductions, designer furniture, and a whole bunch of references from art through the ages. It was a real urban life experience set in nonsensical, harmonious sculptural compilations.
I wasn't too keen on the on-going series of collaged photographs that span the floor of the space, but had fun stepping on them.

Things I learned.
1. When I go to Egypt I will remember to bring my sunglasses.

2. Pigs do fly, and so do elephants. Sometimes they fly together.

3. People get a real thrill out of stepping on art. But they wont do it excessively.

4.Michael Jackson had an outtie

Really worth seeing. If other people can collage and make a million dollars why can't I?

Went to Sketch Bar for some after LOLZ.
Jack France getting all #Pink Sex Chav 
Holly-Anne and I take a trip to the bathroom to freshen up. She's a first timer at Sketch and the bathroom are eggs laid by a giant architecture hen. Theres a maid at the top of the stairs to decide if you are a boy or girl and if you should go left or right.
 Whats with the Maid of the Eggs? She acts likes the mother hen of the bathroom with her sleaziest know all death stare that said 
"Welcome you sluts. Don't spread your legs on my eggs." 
 Like I'm some slut out of space.JESUS! Like Chill out.
She's the one in the tight ass maid outfit. 
Although maybe its got something to do with Jack France changing into his #PINKSEXCHAV fishnet one piece 30 minutes before, and using her  "girl" egg to do it in. Maybe she was convinced I was going to emerge a desperate, Kim Kardashian dying-to- be-railed Pink Fish Net Whore.

Do I LOOK like a slut?
Whatever Maid, I don’t need your attention because I’m casually aloof about my natural sex appeal. And P.S. you could never sleep with me in a million years.

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