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Saturday, September 26, 2009


Dear New York,
after winter months of 2 battling/infatuated BLACK CATS, Kmossed is back on its highway and drivin' fast towards another show. It's gonna be all blood, sweat and tears and I'm thinkin' of you and..

Sorry 4 not attending fashion week. I give you tatoos, cabintry, crossiants and this bigol' DEAR letter to SUPERMODEL MAD MANHATTAN instead.
1st things 1st we def. have some things in common. YOU, you absolute chameleon. Kmossed loves your perverse dedication to constant change, which, come to think of it, is a good description for fashion itself. And with your own timings, your own clients and YOUR own rules, and just like KMOSSED, you are difficult to fence in. You're offensively arrogant + perplexingle tolerant.

::INTERVIEW::Kmossed + NYC::Sept 2009::4.23PM::
KM (in a DEAD-on imitation of a whispery WAR-CRY) "Will I return?"
NY "Yes. After your Show."
KM "I can't wait. It's not right now, right now"
NY "Be patient."
KM "Blood, sweat and years to talk about things like, WHAT IS YOUR POSITION IN THIS WORLD OF LUXURY?"
NY "...a museum piece."
New York, we are re-tangled. As straight as Broadway and as twisted as the alleys of Brooklyn.

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